Northern Virginia Adoption Lawyer
The decision whether or not to place your child for adoption is a difficult and sensitive one. If you are a birth mother considering placing your child for adoption, it is wise to consult a qualified adoption attorney who can help you understand your rights and responsibilities. With over 30 years of experience in adoption law, The Irving Law Firm is one of Virginia’s leading adoption attorneys. Since 1993, The Irving Law Firm has been a fellow of the American Academy of Adoption Attorneys, an elite group of approximately 300 experienced adoption attorneys nationwide.
The Irving Law Firm, advises birth mothers of their rights and walks through the process with them every step of the way. The office is also available to assist you in finding and selecting the best possible family with whom to place your child for adoption. Since the adoptive parents usually pay for the services of the attorney who represents the birth parents, there is no cost to you for this service. Contact a Fairfax adoption lawyer today for help.
Placing Your Baby For Adoption? Know Your Rights.
You should receive counsel without any pressure on you to make a particular decision. The decision to place your child for adoption is yours and no one else’s, though professional counseling is always available to help you. You should make the decision to place your child for adoption only because you honestly believe that it is the right thing to do and is in the best interests of the child. Virginia law requires you to receive some counseling concerning your decision. When you place the child directly with parents you have chosen, you will be asked to appear in court one time to sign your consent in front of the judge.
You should also understand that you cannot be paid anything in connection with this decision other than for a few specific expenses, including medical costs and attorney’s fees.
Fathers Have Rights As Well
It is important that you understand that the birth father also has rights and responsibilities. You must provide honest and accurate information to your attorney, the social worker and the court concerning the identity of the birth father. Failure to give accurate information can jeopardize the validity of the adoption.
Contact A Virginia Attorney Handling Child Adoption Agreements
For more information, call us to speak directly with ILF or to schedule a consultation to discuss a parental placement adoption and your other adoption options. Our Office is located in Manassas for your convenience.